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Basics of OOPS Concept in JavaScript

Javascript is one of the most popular programming language that is used to create interactive effects with web browsers. Like .net, java, php, c++ etc javascript is also a Object Oriented Programming Language but it does not supports OOPS in same way as all other languages does.
For eg. In javascript there is no classes but there’s a way in javascript through which we use classes concept.

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Barcode with SSRS

In this blog I am going to introduce Barcode with SSRS reports. Before going ahead we need to know what is Barcode. A barcode is a machine readable code that is most common now adays. It is in the form of parallel lines. These parallel lines are generated with the help of number or alphabets or with combination of both (alphanumeric). These parallel lines are separated with some distance between them depending upon need. Barcodes are printed on a commodity and used especially for stock control. Example-: 01-barcode Read the rest of this entry

ASP.NET State Management


State Management: By name it means managing or preserving state of a control, web page or data.

Whenever we work on a page in have we ever thought how controls are able to get there state back after a post back. In real all the controls are stateless means when ever there is a postback state is lost. Then how are they able to get there state back after a postback???
This is all because of state management technique that provides for all the controls, web pages or data.

Now the question comes. How?
How are state management techniques used? Is it used on server side or client side? How many types of state management techniques are there?

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