Blog Archives

How to set formats into excel file from C# code

We will set “Font” , “Currency”, “Date” and “Percentage” formate into Excel from C# .
For creating excel, we will use “Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel” dll .

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How I applied Bundling in my application

While trying to optimize my old application, I found that lot of java script files and css files are affecting the performance of my web applications.To optimize the performance of an application I found that bundling and minification can significantly improve the performance. It can be applied on MVC as well as in ASP.NET web forms. So I decided to take a hand on this. Before applying bundling and minification, it is good to understand the basic logic behind this.

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ASP.NET Web API — Part 1

Hello All,

For Web API, I am going to write a series of technical articles. Few of them will cover conceptual point, few will cover demos and in few of them, I will try to dig deep into it by covering important technical point like routing, hosting, security stuff.

So in this series of articles, Lets start with light node, what is ASP.NET Web API and why we should go for it.

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Hi, just thought to share little knowledge on reflection with you all, as per being a developer, I was very curious to find how visual studio is giving intellisence, that took me to learn reflection and I found its really good to know about I will start with using a pattern, in this way you will get to know about two things. 🙂

Reflection and Abstract Factory pattern.
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Extension Methods

Hello guys, in this article I would like to share some brief introduction of extension methods.
The agenda is how to create and use extension methods

Extension methods are called as if they were instance methods on extended type.

Example we have extended function like

string testString = string.Empty;

and many more.

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In this post we will be setting up MongoDB in an MVC application. Before starting on it I expect that the audience has good knowledge of MongoDB.

MongoDb is a schema free, scalable, high performance document database. When we say schema less it blows mind of many SQL developers. Schema independent feature of MongoDB provides flexibility to the developer to develop the schema as they progress with the application.

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Introduction to OData

Web is evolving very rapidly and so we have to. And demands of generic things are increasing as well.
We all know now days no application stands alone, because there are a lot of types of devices available
So we have to create services which can be called by any kind of device and business logic can be placed at a single place.
And when it comes to fetch data from a web service method, client devices don’t always need whole data, sometimes needs few columns or sometime needs data filtered on some basis and so on.

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Asynchronous Programming

Few days before I have been assigned a new project with some awesome technologies so I started learning many new things and after couple of days I just said to myself I know everything (read I am great :)), so enough for learning and now start coding. Well this happiness doesn’t last long. After few days I was sitting in office using httpClient() class and saw ‘Async’ keyword on it’s methods. I just thought how ridiculous is Microsoft. Every time I think I know everything in C# it just come up with some new things(I am so frustrated ). So out of curiosity I have started looking into this Async by goggling and reading over MSDN and this way I started a new journey to learn a new concept. So as I think it’s worth share my findings. So here we go :

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dynamic vs var

A while ago, on a beautiful evening of a wonderful weekend I had a mug of beer in my hand and a thought striked, what’s new in C# 4.0. I searched on google and started to look into the results and suddenly I stopped to get a hang of the term ‘dynamic’, well obviously I googled again and burrowed deeper into it. After a couple of minutes (read hours) I got aquainted to the idea of ‘dynamic’ but could not understand its need as we already had ‘var’ (thanks to C# 3.0). This made me anxious and I started to look out for the need of ‘dynamic’ and the difference between ‘var and ‘dynamic’. Following are my findings

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Barcode with SSRS

In this blog I am going to introduce Barcode with SSRS reports. Before going ahead we need to know what is Barcode. A barcode is a machine readable code that is most common now adays. It is in the form of parallel lines. These parallel lines are generated with the help of number or alphabets or with combination of both (alphanumeric). These parallel lines are separated with some distance between them depending upon need. Barcodes are printed on a commodity and used especially for stock control. Example-: 01-barcode Read the rest of this entry